Friday, January 1, 2016

Help making decisions for New Year's resolutions

Sometimes it is not the resolution at New Year's that needs attention, it is the ability to decide on what action will successfully carry the resolution into the new year.  This has been my dilemma for the past several days.  I want to rebalance several body functions but am quite resistant to thinking of myself as weak or unwell so I don't like to even discuss, let alone complain about, my health to a stranger.  I asked the Journey Oracle cards what is the best way forward.

This image of my situation is certainly a troubled view.  The woman appears pestered by little black thoughts.  Yet she is also cloaked in the blue color of seeking, and is shining with the yellow color of personal power. 

This is the card of Hawthorn.  A tree whose qualities are cleansing, purity, and sovereignty.  It is associated with May 3 - June 9 in the Celtic tree calendar.  This is the time of Seafest on Cortes Island--the long weekend in May.  A time when my partner and I coordinate 71 volunteers making a 10 course gourmet lunch on campstoves for about 700 people.  Certainly a time of skill and of managing well a complex situation.  Maybe I don't need to be defensive about being seen as less than capable when it comes to my own health. 

The next oracle card is an image of my experience in this situation.  On first looking, I see a bird hanging upside down.  What appears to be a large turkey.  I guess I feel like this in most health care situations--like I am about to sacrifice myself to an experience that does not credit my own wisdom about my inner state.  

This is the oracle card of Ivy whose qualities are self-understanding and triumph in adversity.  Maybe instead of seeing this bird's view as a problem, I can instead understand the image as a time to be out of my usual perspective when choosing how to go about this rebalancing. 

This is the oracle card showing change.  Certainly the person is in a receiving posture, but decidedly tense and uncomfortable about it.  So what needs to change?  This card represents willow whose qualities are adaptable, hardy, intuitive and enduring. 

When I read the Oracle's statements about change, two jump out at me with particularly strong meaning:
Your relationship to the change in this situation is shut tight.
The wisdom of speaking out will empower the transformation. 

I will benefit from being open to a new way of seeking good health, one that encourages me to fully participate by speaking out from my wisdom.  It is occurring to me to book a session with a Chinese Medicine practitioner.  Certainly this ancient way of aligning and balancing the body's systems has all the qualities of Willow. 

This card represents the resolution to my situation.  Of course as the creator of the Journey Oracle deck I know the messages from the Oracle attached to each card, and this one brings a smile.  The card is the Day of the Unhewn Stone and its message is "must go this way, helps you go deeper."

I see the stone chamber and the tiny doorway at the far end as an important journey into a new view of well-being.  So now I am excited to follow the mystery of Chinese Medicine into a new layer of personal knowledge, and I appreciate that the Journey Oracle has allowed my unconscious wisdom a voice my conscious mind can hear,